Hi there! I’m Tim Leers, R&D and Machine Learning Engineer at Dataroots.
My work at dataroots is focused on end-to-end machine learning solution development for a diverse range of clients, and translating cutting-edge AI/ML to industry practice. I’m also a research psychologist.
On this blog, all writings and opinions are my own and are not associated nor reflect my employer. With this blog, I aim to be a open book, sharing my learnings, and hoping to make a positive ripple in the world as I tinker and build in my spare time.
I’m always open to opportunities for collaboration. Feel free to contact me on my LinkedIn, Twitter or email at mail@timleers.com
My journey into AI started with the use of a Hopfield network to simulate Alzheimer’s disease impact on neural degeneration.
I eventually worked at the brain & cognition lab on human & artificial intelligence, focused on visual learning applied to principles such as holistic processing in face detection.
I also worked with the quantitative psychology lab, and focused on the development of tools for clinicians and researchers to do sample size estimation for complex time series models.